Join the Humanity Challenge

If you can play games, why not have them help humanity?

Currently Featured Games

Games promoting Humanity from all around the world

Ways you can participate


Gather your friends and find something in the world, related to the challenge, What do you want to change. Register here on this site, and send us a 5-minute video of your idea


You can also make this world a better place by adding to the challenge prize pool. You could donate cash, or services that you believe are useful to the humanitarian effort. We challenge organizations like the NBA, the Champions League, e-sport platforms etc… to step up for humanity together with us.

Our goal:

Complementing games that are only entertaining with games with joy & meaning.

Joyful games

It should more than just fun. Add some meaning. Make it joyful. 

Open to participation

Join today and start challenging others.

New team types

Teams can be intergenerational, transnational, different genders, whatever. Humans.

Competitive and fair

Hardcore competition and extreme fairness.